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February 20, 2017 - Martin Bergeron
Even today, many people think that the knee should not protrude from the tip of our foot during the squat....
February 17, 2017 - Christian Thibaudeau
Each of the amino acids can have a "pharmacological" action in the body if they are present in sufficient quantity...
February 16, 2017 - Anthony Campbell
In most cases, people in general do not need to diet, count calories, cut down anything they crave or do...
February 14, 2017 - XPN World
Vous êtes vous déjà dit: “Il est chanceux (mettre le nom d’athlète que vous admirez) de s’être rendu là”. Vous...
February 12, 2017 - Mathieu Bouchard
Glutamine is an amino acid of paramount importance for people wanting to maintain good physical fitness and good health. This...
February 11, 2017 - XPN World
In all my years of pursuing a stronger bench press and squat, my shoulders never got seriously injured (knock on...
February 08, 2017 - Mathieu Bouchard
I already see your face saying, "Why does he talk to us about glands?" You may not know the adrenal...
February 06, 2017 - Magali Mansion
A few weeks ago, you were still very excited about your New Year's resolution to get you back in shape...
February 05, 2017 - Mathieu Bouchard
Probiotics, the most current topic when it comes time to talk about health. Yet we are just scratching the surface...
February 03, 2017 - Mathieu Boule
En neurosciences, nous avons longtemps pensé que s’il est possible d’accélérer le mouvement avec une partie du cerveau, il est...
January 25, 2017 - XPN World
Mettons fin aux conversations de vestiaires de salles d’entraînement où tout le monde semble tout savoir. Le gras est mauvais...
October 19, 2016 - XPN World
Ce programme est recommandé pour les femmes actives. Par active, nous entendons une femme qui s'entraîne et qui fait du...
This program is recommended for active men. By active, we hear a man who trains and cardio 3 to 4...