- XPN World
This program is recommended for active men. By active, we hear a man who trains and cardio 3 to 4 times a week. This man works 30 to 40 hours a week.
App. 6 h 00 a.m.
1 to 2 cups of berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mures) + 2-3 whole eggs + 3-4 egg whites OR 200 gr of meat to choose from (turkey, chicken, fish, beef or wild meat ex: bison, horse) OR 2 slices of bread (gluten free) with jam light + 2 scoops from Whey-X (if not Lactose intolerant) OR Iso Xtrem in water OR 8-12 egg whites + 2 cups berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mures)
App. 9 h 00 a.m.
2 scoops from Whey-X (if not Lactose intolerant) or Iso Xtrem in water + 1 fruit (avoid banana if possible)
App. 12 h 00 p.m.
1 cup cooked basmati rice OR 200 gr sweet potato + 3 cups vegetables ((With glycemic index below 40) see table on internet) + 200 gr of meat of choice ex.: (turkey, chicken, fish, beef or wild meat ex.: bison, horse) + 1 teaspoon of olive oil or grape seed oil
App. 15 h 00 p.m.
15-20 nuts of your choice + 200 gr of meat OR 2 scoops Whey-X or from Iso Xtrem in water
App. 18 h 00 p.m.
Meat of choice at will ex.: (turkey, chicken, fish, beef or wild meat ex.: bison, horse) + Vegetables (with glycemic index below 40) see table on internet) + 1 teaspoon olive oil or grape seed oil
Vegetables (With glycemic index below 40)) see table on internet) + White meat maximum 150-200 gr
- Gluten free food as often as possible
- Water, Water, Water...
- No sweet drinks of juice with added sugar. GO for diet sweet drinks or real fruit juice. (moderately)
- You can change Whey or Iso protein by the rice protein or the beef protein from XPN
- Cheat meal are allowed but but gluten free
- Want more results? Go for an intolerance test assesment
- Multivitamins 2 at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Epa Dha 2-3 at breakfast, lunch and dinner
- Glutamine 10grs in the morning and 10 grs before sleep
- Probiotic 2 before sleep
- Protein Whey-X (If not lactose intolerant) OR Iso Xtrem OR Pure Rice OR Pure Beef XPN
If high intensity training:
- Pre-training Xtrem 1 scoop avant entrainement
- Pure Bcaa 2 scoops during training
- Post-Trainning Xtrem 1 scoop after training
Si entraînement endurance ajouter:
- Delta charge 1 scoop avant, 1 scoop pendant, 1 scoop après l'entraînement
- Pure Bcaa 2-3 scoop pendant l'entraînement
Veuillez prendre note que toute personne commençant une diète devrais consulter son médecin ou un professionnel de la santé